Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Unit 5. Decimal Numbers

During this unit we are going to revise the operations with decimal numbers. 

Unit Index:

1.-What are decimal numbers
2.- How to read and write decimal numbers
3.- Comparing and representing decimal numbers
4.- Adding and subtracting decimal numbers
5.- Multiplying decimal numbers
6.- Dividing numbers with decimal quotient
7.- Dividing decimal numbers by an integer
8.- Dividing decimal by decimal
9.- Rounding decimal numbers
10.- Types of decimal numbers.

Summing up by the teacher B.T.

3.- Comparing and representing decimal numbers on the number line. (video1)

4 & 5.- Adding, subtracting and multiplying decimal numbers (video2)


Multiplying and dividing by the unit followed by zeros... (video3)

Watch the video that explains that:

6,7 and 8.- Division with decimal numbers: these videos help you revising the divisions with decimal numbers (something you have learnt in primary school) (video4)



Division: give the solution with two decimal positions = round to the nearest hundredth. Watch this video to learn this:  (video 7)

Execises: πŸ“–       

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Word problems with algebra

Watch the video and take notes in your notebook

Here you have another task sheet with problems: AL09   and    AL10. πŸ‘ˆ
This is a new sheet with equations and other operations  AL11

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Solving Equations

6.- Solving First degree equations

Watch these two videos (08 & 09) to beggin with simple equations. While watching, take notes in your notebook, Remember that ...

 This is because, as you have learnt, ...

πŸ‘‰Find here the tasksheet AL06 with some activities about solving equations. πŸ‘ˆ After watching the videos you will be able to do the ex: 19, 20 & 21.

πŸ‘€  Video 08 teaches how to do A19 and Video 09 to A20 and A21

Here you have the lesson to learn how to solve equations with parenthesis.

Remember that when you find brackets in the equation, the first thing you have to do is to remove the brackets by applying the distributy property.

And now you are ready to do the activity A22 of the tasksheet AL6

Find the solutions to e) and n) in these to videos:

Do now this one and check the solution after. I will correct it next week:

Equations with denominators:

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Equality and Equation. Algebra. Unit 6

5, 6.- Equations. Equivalent equations
Before studing and solving equations let us start by understanding what equations are and what is the solution of an equation.

And now what is and how to make equivalent equations:

After watching the videos make sure you understood the basics and are ready to go and solve real equations which is going to be the aim of our next videos.

πŸ‘‰ Task: Revise and complete your notes in your notebook, revise the corrected exercises and do again those that you are not sure how to do it.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Unit 6. Algebra. MONOMIALS

Within this post we are going to study the  third  and forth paragraphs of Unit 6.

3.- Monomials

Watch the video, if you missed the lessons copy the notes in your notebook, as you would do in class, and solve the exercises later

4.- Operations with monomials

This video explains what similar monomials or like monomials are and how to add or subtract monomials

Exercises about Monomials:  AL04 πŸ‘ˆ

This video  shows how to multiply, divide or opertate powers on monomials

And the exercises to practice the product, division and powers with Monomials: AL05πŸ‘ˆ

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Unit 6. Algebra

UNIT 6         ALGEBRA

  1. Algebraic Language
  2. Numerical value of an algebraic expression
  3. Monomials
  4. Operations with monomials
  5. Equations. Equivalent equations
  6. Solving first degree equations
  7. Word porblems and exercises

Let us start with 1.- Algebraic expressions:

Start by watching this 9' video and learn what alegebraic expressions are and get ready to do the exercises. Copy the notes in your notebook so that you can consult in the case you need it later

2.- Numerical Value of an algebraic expression. Evaluating an algebraic expression.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Unit 4. Fractions

 UNIT 4. Fractions

1.- What is a fraction and how to read it

2.- Fractions and units  A fraction is a division

3.- A fraction of an amount

4.- Equivalent fractions. Simplifying fractions

5.- Adding and subtracting fractions

6.- Multiplication and division of fractions

7.- Powers with fractions

8.. Combined operations

1.- What is a fraction and how to read it: πŸ““

2.- Fractions and units.  πŸ“˜

4.- A fraction of an amount .  πŸ“˜

Revise some examples watching πŸ‘€ the following  videos:

exercises --->    πŸ“”

5,. Equivalent fractions. Simplify a fraction. πŸ“™

Here you have two very simple videos that help you understanding what equivalent fractions are

6.- Adding and subtracting fractions  πŸ“—

And you can watch πŸ‘€ this video by Professor Dave in native English. The speaking is going to be harder to understand but will help you to get used to real English 

Exercises: πŸ“•

7.- Multiplying and dividing fractions πŸ“—

Watch this video πŸ‘€ to revise how to multiply and divide fractions simplifying before operating if it is posible.

8.- Powers with fractions πŸ“™

This two videos explain how to work with powers of fractions.

9.- Combined operations,     Exercises -- >> πŸ“•   πŸ“—

Watch this video πŸ‘€ where I solve one exercise with products, addions  and subtractions

10.- Word Problems with fractions   - - >   πŸ“ƒ πŸ““

Here, in these videos πŸ‘€ you can find the solution of three of them:

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Combined operations and powers with Integer Numbers

Here you can find two videos to revise the combined operations involving Integer Numbers

Powers with Integer numbers: