Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Unit 3. Integer Numbers

 Here you have the Index for the unit 3:


  1. What are Integer Numbers? Negative numbers
  2. How to represent Integer numbers. The order of Integer numbers
  3. Opposite numbers and Absolute value
  4. Multiplying and dividing Integer Numbers
  5. Adding and subtracting integer numbers
  6. Combined operations with additions and subtractions
  7. Powers with Integer numbers
  8. Combined operations involving Integer numbers

Find here some notes taken by students of last year (Mónica and Jimena) and Alejandro who is now in Bachillerato. Thank you all.

👉 Paragraphs 1 - 4 (click on the picture to open the notes)

Absolute value and opposite numbers: 👀 watch the video: 

How to multiply and divide Integer numbers and how to apply the rule of signs:

👉 Paragraph 5.- Adding and subtracting Integer Numbers

To add or subtract you have to remove brackets applying the rule of signs and then operate (considering the signs, of course)  here



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